Sunday, May 21, 2006

Home Again, Home Again Jiggety-Jig

8:16am- Boyfriend gallantly escorts me to airport via Tube, even carrying heaviest bags. Heart breaks at thought of leaving him and putting an end to such a fabulous trip. Then he says something to annoy me and I speed off towards security piquing curiosity of guard. Tackled to ground and knifed in kidney for good measure.

10:10am- Same old story: Plane takes off. Plane crashes.

3:15pm- Land in San Francisco with still most of day to unwind. Allow friend to drive me in my own car back to city so that I am not confused after 10 hour flight and 3 weeks of driving on opposite side of road. We start laughing about something or another and she swerves into oncoming traffic.

Other than that, pretty good day.

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